ashley jordan pierce

Beautifully a mess

ashley jordan pierce

beautifully a mess.

this is how i view people. i don’t pity people or look down on them, but i view them how they are. beautifully a mess. we are all a wreck if we are being quite honest. nobody truly has it all together… yes, even if someone’s instagram aesthetic perfectly flows.

the truth is we are all fighting our battles. fighting battles of sickness, divorce, pride, loneliness, or maybe doubt. there is not a single person to ever walk this earth who has not had to fight. not even the savior of our world. He fought the hardest battle because He was fighting the fight with the greatest reward. and he saw us, his children, as worth it.

God is under no false pretense that you have it all together, or that you are even close. He did not design us to be able to handle it all. if we could perfectly orchestrate our lives, why would we need Him? He created us with a certain need for something greater than ourselves that only He can fulfill. Our weakness accentuates his strength.  

you don’t have to walk through life feeling the pressure to have it all together or to make all of the perfect decisions. odds are you won’t. the Lord doesn’t call us to live a perfect life, He has already done that. He calls us to seek after Him in all things and to live a life that glorifies Him.

I challenge you to be real. to realize you are a beautiful mess. accept your mess. allow Him to turn your mess into your message. don’t hide the hard things or your weaknesses, those are the things that are going to be your testimony. trust in his plan enough to do these things.

you are a mess, a beautiful mess. so am i. but praise Jesus, my God isn’t.